Tuesday 30 August 2011

The Great Gorilla Hunt!!

Those of you that live in Bristol will have seen several Gorilla’s that have recently appeared. Bristol Zoo is celebrating it’s 175th birthday and to do so they have 60 Gorilla’s dotted around Bristol and many Bristolian’s have been having fun trying to ‘spot’ them all. They even have a gorilla app to download (yes I have downloaded it!). Rather annoyingly they have put one of the Gorilla’s in Birmingham and I’m really not sure I’m going to be able to visit that one. Below are a few pics of my favourites. I think so far I’ve spotted about 40!! It’s quite funny reaching a gorilla and seeing several people taking out their gorilla maps!! Has anything like this happened in your town?

I’ve had a few new phones recently due to major indecision on my part and wanted to do a bit of a review of them. I have a question though, I have had major problems with one particular network and I’d like to know if I’m allowed to ‘name and shame’ them on my blog or are there rules against that? You can tell I’m new to all of this!

*quickly getting addicted though!!*

Monday 29 August 2011

Long weekend = Long post

I can’t believe how quickly the long bank holiday weekend has gone! I’m really starting to appreciate the dedication that bloggers have, I simply haven’t been able to find time to blog every day over the weekend!

Sunday was our monthly shopping day – we go to a big Asda Walmart once a month to buy all the big items and then to a local shop each week for things like fresh fruit and veg. The bonus of going to Asda means that I can have a look at their clothes and I manage to get a lovely mock layer top with a gorgeous butterfly print and grey cardigan which will be perfect for work this Autumn. And to top it all of, it just sneaked in the shopping trolley with everything else!! They had several tops in the same style but with different prints and were all a bargain £12!

I then decided that considering I’ve been in my current flat for nearly three years and we still have boxes from when we moved in the spare room that it really was time to have a bit of a sort out. A couple of hours later I’d emptied 4 boxes, filled one with stuff to go on ebay, found several old curtains and sheets which I think will go to my mum’s loft, filled a bag for charity and found hundreds of carrier bags just stashed in a box (really not sure why!). The spare room is now looking considerably better, although the hallway seems to have a bit of an overflow of things I’m not sure what to do with. The picture below shows my ebay box!!

Today I popped into the ‘Bench’ shop and picked up some bargain jeans, £23 and £20 both down from £40! I love Bench clothing but it’s normally out of my price range. I bought one pair of skinny jeans and one pair of boyfriend jeans and am really pleased with them.

Tomorrow unfortunately is back to work for me, but it’s been nice having an extra day off. What has everyone else been up to during the long weekend?

Thursday 25 August 2011

A BIG Thank You

Whilst I was tempted to continue the theme of titling my blog with how many days old it is, I managed to restrain myself and instead am titling it ‘A big thank you’. That’s a big thank you for all of you that have taken the time to read and comment on my blog. It’s only since reading the comments that I’ve really been able to realise how much those comments are appreciated and so whilst I’ve been an avid blog reader for some time, I’m going to start commenting on blogs as well so watch this space!

Yesterday’s tennis was really good fun, despite getting soaked on the way and on the way home, amazingly the sun actually shone for the hour that we were playing! I then went to a friends house for dinner with another friend and had a good old gossip and then watched a film. We watched SALT which has Angelina Jolie in it and it kept us guessing all the way through and I would thoroughly recommend it!

This morning I went to my local gym for my spin class which is pretty hard going on the legs but I always come out of it feeling that bit healthier! For those of you that haven’t experienced a spin class, it’s basically a static bike with a knob to adjust the resistance levels and you follow an instructor and pedal listening to the music. Today we were following a ‘steep hill’ session which involved lots of increased resistance!

This afternoon I had to pop in to my local college to complete my enrolment for a course that’s starting in a couple of weeks, I’m proud to say I’m now an enrolled student! Now to go shopping for all those college ‘essentials’….folders, notepads, clothes….shoes….

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Day two


So. Day two of my blog.

Weather for today, initially bright sunshine and now I’ve just noticed it’s starting to rain. Rather typical really considering I’m meeting friends to play tennis this afternoon. I recently discovered some free tennis courts just a 10 minute walk from me, just hoping it stops raining in the next hour!

I’ve been having a few more ideas for my blog.

TV/DVD’s – Those that know me are aware that I have numerous DVD’s including a mix of films and TV shows. There was a time when I would regularly be lending DVD’s, to the extend that I considered keeping a list of what I’d lent to whom. At the moment I seem to watch a lot of TV shows but am sometimes very disappointed by something that has been given good reviews. Maybe this could be my space to give my own reviews and opinions.

Following on from the reviewing idea, I’d like to be able to review a variety of products so if anyone has anything they’d like me to review, just ask!

I’m also considering posting some outfits, I think it would be quite interesting to get some feedback on my style (good or bad!). At the moment I’m not sure if I’m brave/confident enough to actually model the outfits or if just the clothes themselves will be shown. We shall see!

Well, it’s just about time for me to go and change, looks like the rain has stopped but there are some rather ominous looking clouds in the sky!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Well, I suppose this is hello!

I’m Becca and inspired by my bestest friend Laura @adaisychaindream I’ve just created this blog. At the moment I’m not quite sure what I want to write about. I have a few ideas, maybe I’ll just go with a few and see what happens.

During the best two weeks of weather that I think we had at the end of June I went to my all time favourite place, the Lake District – hence the blog name. Over the two weeks there I probably walked at least 100 miles (yes I’m serious) and went over numerous fell tops. Perhaps I could write a walking blog. But then, I was only on holiday for two weeks….

Fashion. Not something that I was ever particularly interested in until I met Laura. I must admit when I first saw her irregular choice shoes that she was drooling over I really couldn’t see what she liked about them. But, over the past year or so my style seems to have developed, my tastes have changed and I now seem to like and wear things that I never thought I would. But, do I have the authority to comment on fashion? Not sure of the answer to that question.

Another interest of mine is cooking. I enjoy making cakes and biscuits for my partner, regularly use my bread maker and cook a variety of meat and vegetarian meals. But, would anyone really be interested in reading about what goes on in my kitchen?

Sewing, in particular cross stitch. Something I loved as a child but didn’t really do as an adult until the last couple of years. Since then I’ve completed several projects which I must admit I’m quite proud of. But then again, compared with the standards of my amazing Gran and I’m sure many other people there’s really not much to brag about.

SO, in conclusion, I think my blog might end up being a bit of a mish-mash (is that a word?!) Maybe I’ll just write random things depending on what’s happened that day.

Does anyone have any suggestions?